Productos y soluciones

Varios productos y Solución

Wir bieten die größte Auswahl an Produkten und Lösungen für die Aufbereitung von Wasser, Abwasser, festen Abfällen und Luft, um den Bedürfnissen von Industrien, Haushalten und Gemeinden in Indien und auf der ganzen Welt gerecht zu werden.

At Ion Exchange, our engineering solutions are designed to meet the needs of various industries by ensuring efficient water and wastewater treatment. Our products include:

INDION Range of Resins: Pioneering Solutions Across Oman

Resins leads the way in delivering innovative solutions throughout Oman with its diverse applications. Ion Exchange Oman is a leading provider of resins for water treatment in Oman, for industries spanning from oil and gas, automotive, construction, pharmaceutical, and petrochemicals to manufacturing, marine, and beyond. With automated manufacturing processes and stringent ISO 9001 and 14001 certifications, our products excel in conventional water treatment applications like softening, deionization, and dealkalization. Our pharmaceutical-grade resins are trusted globally. These resins serve diverse functions in pharmaceuticals, from tablet disintegration and taste masking to the sustained release of drugs and stabilizing essential nutrients like vitamin B12. With a pioneering spirit and commitment to excellence, Ion Exchange provides top-quality resin products tailored to meet diverse industrial needs.

Our high-performance resins are formulated to enhance water treatment processes, offering reliable solutions for ion exchange, softening, and demineralization.

Advanced HYDRAMEM Membrane Solutions: Transforming Industries

In Oman, advanced membrane technology serves diverse industries, ensuring efficient filtration, separation, and purification processes. Ion Exchange Oman employs membranes for various industries like oil and gas, food and beverage, pharmaceutical, fuel and additives, pulp and paper, and chemical manufacturing. In the fuel industry, we provide effective fuel utilization, resulting in lower costs, increased plant availability, reduced stoppages for repair and maintenance, and a positive environmental impact. For the pulp and paper industry, advanced water and waste treatment technologies are offered, starting with a comprehensive water audit and transitioning to modern integrated water management processes for source reduction, product recovery, waste minimization, and water reuse. In the Power sector, we provide salt rejection rates ranging from 90% to 98%, depending on the composition of the feed water, along with product recovery rates varying between 50% and 80%, also based on the feed water composition.

We offer a wide range of membranes designed for various applications, providing superior filtration and separation capabilities in water and wastewater treatment.

Comprehensive Speciality Chemicals Offered by Ion Exchange

Oman utilizes a range of comprehensive specialty chemicals across industries, including oil and gas, petrochemicals, food & beverages, sugar, agriculture, pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, etc. These chemicals play a crucial role in enhancing production processes, ensuring quality, and meeting specific industry requirements, contributing to Oman’s economic growth and development. Ion Exchange, a pioneer in commercial wastewater treatment company in Oman utilizes specialty chemicals that cater to the needs of the oil and gas sector, with refinery and process chemicals such as Dew Point neutralizer, amine unit antifoam, and coker antifoam tailored to suit the specific requirements of each refiner’s crude basket. Additionally, Ion Exchange provides a wide range of boiler water treatment chemicals designed for industries like food and beverage, sugar, and pharmaceuticals, along with antifoams, pH boosters, oxygen scavengers, and various other versatile specialty chemicals.

Our specialty chemicals are engineered to optimize water treatment processes, including scaling prevention, corrosion control, and biological fouling reduction.

Range of Instrumentation & Automation Systems

Industrial water quality must be monitored closely to achieve high level of operational efficiency and also to safeguard plants and process equipment from corrosion, microbial and fouling etc. At Ion Exchange, we have a wide range of instruments to monitor process and waste water parameters such as pH/ORP, conductivity, resistivity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity and ammonia. They are available in models to suit every environment – handheld/portable, benchtop, wall/field mounted, panel and rack mounted.

Our instruments and automation solutions deliver precise monitoring and control, ensuring efficient operation and management of water treatment systems.

Segmento de mercado

Liderando el camino en eficiencia hídrica en todos los sectores.

Ion Exchange es una de las pocas empresas en el mundo con soluciones completas para la gestión del agua y el medio ambiente. Nuestras tecnologías, productos y servicios integrales permiten a nuestro equipo multidisciplinario de expertos satisfacer las necesidades de todos los sectores: industrial, institucional, de vivienda y comunitario, urbano y rural.

Prestigiosas instalaciones en Kenia y Tanzania

What our satisfied clients are saying

RO-Anlageninstallation in der Getränkeindustrie
RO-Anlageninstallation in der Getränkeindustrie
RO-Anlageninstallation in der Getränkeindustrie
Installation der Bank High Salt Water RO-Anlage
RO-Anlageninstallation in der Getränkeindustrie
SWRO-Anlage in einem 5-Sterne-Hotel installiert
Installation einer Brauerei-Wasseraufbereitungsanlage, eines Enthärters, eines Kohlefilters und eines Sandfilters
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Case Studies

Partial List


Servicio integral, soporte y seguridad

Ion Exchange es uno de los mayores proveedores de servicios completos para la gestión de agua y aguas residuales y apuesta por la creación de valor a través de la responsabilidad central.
Nuestra experiencia combinada con un equipo de ingenieros experimentados con una comprensión integral de los procesos de nuestros clientes nos permite brindar soluciones integradas que satisfacen completamente los requisitos individuales de nuestros clientes. Esto ayuda a maximizar los niveles generales de producción y crear beneficios económicos.

Seguimos y cumplimos con los requisitos legales de salud y seguridad para nuestra empresa y nuestros clientes.

Nuestros servicios integrados cubren todos los aspectos del rendimiento de la planta de tratamiento de agua y brindan un paquete de servicios integral.

operación y mantenimiento

operación y mantenimiento

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Rehabilitación y el cambio

Rehabilitación y el cambio

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Consumibles y piezas de repuesto

Consumibles y piezas de repuesto

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Auditoria y asesoramiento

Auditoria y asesoramiento

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Financiación de proyectos (BOO/T, leasing y leasing)

Financiación de proyectos (BOO/T, leasing y leasing)

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Sistema de monitoreo remoto

Sistema de monitoreo remoto

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Nuestros expertos están ahí para usted.

Consulta: 1800 4250 788

Our Prestigious Installations

What our satisfied clients are saying

RO plant installed at Beverage Industry
RO plant installed at Beverage Industry
RO plant installed at Beverage Industry
RO plant for high brackish water installed in Bank
RO plant installed at Steel Industry
SWRO plant installed at 5 Star Hotel
WTP, Softener, Sand filter and carbon filter installed at Brewery
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Si desea una consulta gratuita

Oficina Regional de Intercambio Iónico de África Oriental

Persona de contacto: Sr. V.Srinivasa Chakravarthy

Call: +254 786 649102 (9:00 AM to 6:00 PM)

Call: +254-786-649-102 / +254-715-739-052
    (9:00 AM to 6:00 PM)

Deje que nuestros expertos le ayuden a resolver sus problemas de gestión del agua y del medio ambiente.